Saturday, December 3, 2011

Scrap fabric

Looks like a lot has happened since my last blog. No time to explain now, I have found the best use for scrap fabric and must share quick so I can get back to work.

I want to make a cat bed for my new cats and have only a little stuffing.  Jo-Ann's is close, but they did not have stuffing on sale. Paying full price for anything at Jo-Ann's seems dumb to me, so as I await the arrival of my teacher discount card, I ponder how I can be instantly gratified with some stuffing.

While the gratification is not instant, I am psyched about this solution. Scrap fabric plus the rotary cutter and mat equals fabulous pieces of fabric stuffing! Excited? Why yes I am.  I have been cutting fabric for an hour and may not stop all night.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I started my first Italian class tonight through Palo Alto Adult Edu. I am very excited about it. My goal in the class is to learn enough Italian so I can give a speech at my wedding this summer. Looking forward to learning more. Ciao :)